This is a homage to one of my favorite sci-fi book series, The Culture by Iain M. Banks. The Ring Orbitals and Worldships on this page are derived from Culture Orbitals and GSV’s (General Service Vehicles) which are two of the main living spaces for Culture citizens. I liked those concepts so much I decided to borrow them for my little serial adventure.
Hopefully Mr. Banks (if he ever hears about this) will consider this the homage that it is…
Mr. Banks may have “borrowed” the idea of ring orbitals and the idea of GSV’s reminiscent of the Fleet Of Worlds concept from Larry Niven’s Ringworld (1970). What’s old is new again, I suppose! At least you’re borrowing from some of the best!
HA, guess it’s true what they say, there aren’t really any new ideas, just new takes on old ones!